Amicus and Chooi & Co, a well-established and recognised law firm in KL, held a ‘Solve’ immersive exercise for representatives from the banking and financial sector to test the rigour of decision making and internal advice, the perils of de-risking and managing client risks when they arise.
The scenario was developed by Martin Polaine of Amicus in conjunction with Raphael Tay and Yap Yeong Hui, two partners at the long-established KL firm of Chooi & Co to draw out the AML/CFT risks, threats, vulnerabilities and challenges faced by financial institutions in the region.
The immersive exercises was conducted over 3 hours and took place at the offices of Chooi & Co.
Comments from the delegates on ‘Solve: Immersive’:
‘…method used enabled the participants to engage in ‘brainstorming’ of more ideas…’, HSBC
‘….good learning experience and helpful in seeing how one makes decisions in such situations…gave insight on factors to consider’ – Hong Kong Bank
‘..user friendly and provides access to multiple sources and a good record of decisions made…’ (sic), Chooi
‘…it enhances the use of critical thinking in problem solving and making decisions…’, OCBC
‘scenarios was relevant….plausible to happen to a bank as money laundering and financing of terrorism can get very creative’, OCBC
‘..the method was conducive to simulate pressure decision making…..scenario assists in decision making on real life situation’, Hong Kong Bank
‘Exciting learning experience to solution’, RHB Bank
‘the case study was realistic and brain storming with compliance and legal professionals is fruitful…’, HSBC
‘…very interactive and good case study…’, RHB Bank